Micro:Bit Beacon Hunter

Hot,Warm. Cold?

The Micro:Bit beacon will be set to group 112 and will hidden upstairs at DHS. Your micro:bit should be set to be listening for a signal and measuring the signal strength

The signal will be a random number every three seconds

The closer you are to the beacon the warmer you are -

-128 means a weak signal and -42 means a strong one.

When program Starts
    show an icon to confirm ready to go
    set radio group to 112

Goal: When your micro:bit receives a number - analyze the signal strength and store that value in a variable you create called signal

When number received
    set signal to received packet signal strength
    //block of code pictured below

Now - what do you want to appear on the LED Screens for Hot, Cold and Warm?

When number received
    set signal to  received signal strength
    IF the value stored in signal is < -95
        DISPLAY cold
        ELSE IF the value stored in signal is < -60
            DISPLAY warm
                DISPLAY HOT 

To get the IF/Else block to add the final ELSE hit the + at the bottom

Last updated