
Your Brain & a Partner

Step 1: Get Background Knowledge & Think

Watch this short video

Now Open and Read this Article (It says it is 6 pages but I deleted MOST of the words so don't panic)

Now - go to the online classroom and find the discussion about digital bathroom passes. Each person does this INDIVIDUALLY - this is NOT Part of the group project / grade

Silly Goose - Don't reply to another students posting

Step 2: From here on out everything is done WITH your partner and you will share a grade. Think about designing a DHS E-Pass that will work on every computer, phone, and tablet/device in the building

ONE partner brainstorm/ mindmap/ document your team ideas and plans for this step in network notebook (hint these pages will be turned in so...)

  • Identify different types of users

    • Different users will be groups of people who will use the app in different way. So two students would use the APP in basically the same way...but who else will interact with this APP?

  • Develop a Name for your App

  • List some of the features of your app

    • buttons

    • scroll bars

    • lists/drop down boxes

    • text boxes

    • in app use of camera?

    • in app use of clock or timer?

Step 3: On a Separate Paper think and list about the DATA of your E-Pass. What information will it store? What will it collect? What data will it produce?

Now: IDENTIFY (write and explain on a sheet paper) - you can type and print if write like a serial killer

Then compose (together) 1 paragraph that clarifies your teams opinion about student privacy, parent rights to know, the data your app will collect and store, versus the responsibility of a school to track students. You write from the point of view of THIS school, or any school or consider elementary vs high school needs.

This general idea and the above image were taken directly from https://curriculum.code.org/csd-18/unit4/8/

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