Programming a Move Procedure

Now we want to turn your algorithm into a reusable procedure - there are 5 columns on this grid and one measure of our success is for the program to work for ANY size grid

Find the Functions Block -

Click create a function and then title it moveDown - do not be distracted by the other options on the screen. And then hit done

Inside the moveDown Function
//this is my fully realized moveDown function
    Repeat 4
        move boat 1
        pause 1000ms
    boat turn left 90
    boat move by 1
    pause 1000 ms
    boat turn left by 90

Now to test it by calling the function. When you return to the Functions tab you should see 1 block - the call moveDown

TIP:When we use a function we are calling it

On Start
    boat to 0,0
    turn boat left 90

A Button Pushed
    call moveDown

Test this code several times and make sure it is traversing each LED down the column. Do you need to adjust turns?

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