Remote Control Data Collection

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Two micro:bits can be used to collect and record data using the radio commands. One micro:bit can be setup remotely and the other micro:bit can be used to observe the data. The first micro:bit can send the data it observes to the second micro:bit for the observer to record.

TIP: To set up 2 micro:bits so they can communicate over the radio they need to be on the same radio group.

micro:bit radio sending code

On  Start
    Display: Temperature Remote
    radio set  group 99
    set temp = 0
        // you need to pick a unique # to ensure you don't interact with a different group
        set temp = tempeature C 
             //from input
        display temp
        radio send temp
        pause 1000

Radio receiver code

On Start
    Display Tempeature Receiver
    radio  set group (same # as partners setting)
    set temp = 0
On Radio Received Number
    show received number

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