
Finally - some words to appear

Take a minute before we move on and remember that there are characters in your notepad file that are NOT visible to the webpage visitor. Anything inside of a < > tag is computer instructions that do not appear on the actual site

The BODY of a web page has a very technical definition: the center part of a web page that contains most of the content (words and images)

TIP: make sure that all of the code you are typing is BEFORE the </html tag>. Anything you type below the </html> won't show up because this tag tells the computer "I am all done with this website"

<title> YOUR NAME </title

My name is Mrs. Wright and these words should appear
 on my webpage.

Saving: Use Ctrl + S to save the changes to your website and then either refresh your page in google chrome or re-open it from your folder.

TIP: If your words don't appear on the made a mistake. Probably a misspelling or you forgot to close a tag. You need to look back over your work and find the mistake...I promise you didn't do everything I did.

Pshew - that was a lot of work to get just that one sentence to appear.

Network Notebook Response Time: Using your brain and your experiences, explain to someone who has never taken this class the difference between what you typed in notepad and what appears on the screen.

Question- We typed our body text on two lines - did it appear that way on the screen?

Word of the Day: Google syntax error, read the definition and then translate it into your own words and relate it to HTML

Last updated