Practice Final Project

Work with Your Group

Your goal is to practice and understand that PROCESS of completing the final group project. Pay attention to the ALL the steps, your grade is based on your group effort, your documentation and your communication skills for this portion

Take a Minute and Designate Responsibilities for this stage: 2 Person Group-Lead Researcher and Lead Communicator. 3 Person Team: Lead Researcher, Lead Communicator, Fact Checker & Editor

If you have chosen to work independently you will be your own researcher, communicator and editor. However I am happy to answer questions if you want a sounding board

Oil Spill Cleaner Upper

Clarify the Purpose - Why is this Relevant? As a group brainstorm some reasons the oceans are important. As a group you should be able to write a paragraph that clarifies the following statement Healthy oceans and seas are essential to our existence.

Lead Communicator: Review UN Global Goal 14 and find ONE specific target that would apply to this project. Re-write that target into non-technical language that applies to oceans and or oil spills. (This will be used in just a minute)

Lead Researcher: Locate support facts and statistics to the ideas your group brainstormed

Fact Checker & Editor: Review Lead Communicator Work and find some general facts and statistics about oceans

Lead Communicator: Write a 1 paragraph response with input from team that summarizes your research and clarifies the problem stated above.

Identify the Issue: Oil Spills do Untold Damage to Eco-Systems

Lead Researcher: research and identify at least two causes of oil spills and at least three solutions or techniques that have been used to get oil out of water. Be sure to identify whether the solutions were successful or not.

Fact Checker: Research one oil spill that directly impacted the US. Find information about the cause, clean up costs, and specific species impacted. Then review the Fact List**Only required if you have more than 2 people on your team. Smaller groups are not required to collect this info

Lead Communicator: Identify at four species that are most impacted by oil spills - we need the species and the problem (think turtles with plastic wrapped around their bodies). Then develop a Fact List that clearly explains oil spills, their ecological impact and historical solutions. Consider different ways to organize and layout your facts.

Complete your Setting the Stage Document using the following checklist - each team member is responsible for help with this part

Print and add to your envelope.

This project idea, images and code are taken directly from

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