What to Turn in

Try and Follow these directions

Documents to place into your envelope in this order

  1. Print out of Code Each "Function" on a separate page that identifies code

    1. LED controlled by Light Sensor

    2. Button controlled Piezo Buzzer

    3. Any Other Functions or Code you Provided

  2. Drawings or Handwritten Plans

  3. 1 Page with two typed paragraphs. Very acceptable to use the word I or Me or My

    1. 1 opportunity you had to improve your project from your original plan. It may be the appearance, idea, function, material any choice you made. Explain when/how you realized this opportunity / what you were doing when you figured this out. Explain how you implemented this change. Explain how it improved your overall lighthouse.

    2. 1 problem that you solved when developing your lighthouse. It may be code, wiring, design, materials, appearance or function. Explain the problem (please be very specific), explain how you developed and implemented the solution, explain the impact of your solution or how your solution made it better.

    TIP: It didn't work, it was broken or I fixed it are not considered appropriate responses.

TIP: If you received help from another student please clarify what assistance they provided and what you did on your own.

Turn into the Google Classroom

  • One Page PDF Document that has at least one picture of your lighthouse. The lighthouse can be powered on or off, and you can show as many angles as you like. Rubric attached to assignment

Last updated