Font Attributes
In Other words - making your letters look different on the screen
Last updated
In Other words - making your letters look different on the screen
Last updated
Paragraphs - as your web pages contain more content, it is time to use formatting to help make things more organized and easier for the user to read. The paragraph tag works just like you want - by separating different paragraphs by a break
For other formatting we will start with the original text formatting options that were developed with HTMTL
Go into our "first" web page that we have been using to learn and test tags and add some paragraphs and a few of these text formatting tags. All of these tags should be closed when you are finished with them
TIP: If you forgot how to open your file in html go here
The lowly Center tag was part of the original HTML text formatting set. However, as HTML has evolved (we are currently in HTML 5) this tag is no longer supported. Like Pluto it exists but is not recognized <center>
Now go back to your Hobby & Interest Web page and make it look fancier with all of your amazing new font attributes