My 1st Webpage

Today is about following directions

Setting up Notepad

We use notepad as a simple text editor. For professional website devleopers, there are a variety of more complex design environments, but notepad is perfect for our introductory sites.

Rule #22 of Room 112

Always be in charge of where you save. NEVER just hit the save button without confirming WHERE the computer will store the file. You should already have a Software Development folder set up in a cloud server (either OneNote or Google Drive depending on which online course system we are using this term)

Short-term Saving vs. I am finished with this Saving

Create a folder on your desktop titled HTML - we will use this folder to store html files as we are working on them. However, MCPSS reserves the right to delete anything saved to your desktop any ol' time they want. So for a multi-day project we will back up your file to your cloud based permanent storage.

In Notepad we need to set up an empty website

<!DOCTYPE html>


"Hey Computer!! Get ready this is an HTML document"

Remember that anything found between < > are our tags. Tags are the way we communicate instructions to the computer.

If you OPEN a tag < > then you MUST close it </ >

It is a good habit to create the open tag and close tag at the same time - otherwise you are likely to forget to close a tag

Last updated