Search Algorithims

What can we do with all these items once they are stored?

Handwrite your answers and upload a picture to the canvas OR you type your responses directly into the canvas.

You are developing a family shopping list APP that allows all family members to add items to the shopping list. However, you don’t want to add duplicate items to the list (how many dozen eggs does one family really need?)

Write down the algorithm to accept user input for an item, check to see if that item already exists on the list before appending it to the list. If you prefer- you can program it in SNAP and provide me with a SNIP IT.

Write the algorithm to put these boxes in order - based on the date of birth of each student - with the oldest student at the TOP of the list (or in ascending order - where each person gets younger). Consider what are you evaluating - what items are you comparing?

Define: linear search

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