Your first major project will be a chatbot - you will simulate a converstation with a user by collecting information and building responses. Because this is a Unit 1 assignment there will not be any error checking - we will assume the user enters the correct information when prompted.
In codingrooms - open the assignment and make sure you are working on the chatBot.py file!
One component of AI is the attempt to replicate human emotion. So we want to include emotions in the conversation - but your chatbot does not have the ability to make a learned response based on the users input so you have to be generic.
Create a custom goodbye that
Right now - our chatbot doesn't have any options on what to respond. But - could you had some pauses, or some other output phrases that indicate "thinking"
Can you insert a knock knock joke?
Can you make your chatbot overly friendly? rude? nosy?
Use your math coding skills to guess the users age
Notice this is nicely psuedocoded out for you - and there are awesome examples of HOW to comment - go crazy and follow the directions.
Pick two topics and continue your conversation. Below is a sample conversation about animals - you may NOT use animals as one of your topics - but I wanted to give you an example
Below is an example - but you can create your own. Be sure to #comment the introductionary section. Should your chatbot have a name or a personality?
This is Eliza - the very first chatbot
While this is just an example - it does have a plan psuedocoded for you. Make sure to do comments to identify this section
Go crazy and add some oneline ascii art to your chatbot or use ++,==,--, or other symbols to drawn lines on the screen to seperate different parts of your user experience.