Write a python function named pasttense
that accepts a string called verb
as an input and displays the original verb and the verb with an "ed"
added onto the end. See the function header and sample output below.
A string in Python is a sequence of characters. It is a derived data type. Strings are immutable. This means that once defined, they cannot be changed
How can we make a new line, like hitting the enter key when typing?
If you see this character in a string, that means that the current line ends at that point and a new line starts right after it
Strings and Variables
Download the .txt file with the starter code - copy and paste that into the IDE - then using the examples, build and test your procedure.
Finally - have the following calls
Turn it in according to instructions
1.1 Making HMTL Tags
Functions can accept more than one paramenter. For example
However - the order the strings are entered matters. We must follow the pattern or order created in the definition of the function